Writing Coaching

My professional expertise is in both writing and coaching. I’ve worked with novelists, memoirists and non-fiction writers, at all stages of their writing journey. I love working with beginners, and I’m proud to have coached writers who, following our work together, have gone on to find agent representation and see their writing in print. As well as being an agented and traditionally published writer, I have been a qualified one-to-one coach since 2005. I have a Diploma in Life Coaching from Newcastle College, and the International Coaching Certification from Lambent do Brasil, where I trained with Joseph O’Connor – an internationally respected coach and trainer. I am based and work in the beautiful Hope Valley, Peak District (not far from Sheffield), but I also work with clients in other parts of the country, and internationally, via Zoom.

Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions are helpful for getting started, overcoming writer’s block, finding inspiration and cultivating your creativity. They’re ideal for planning and completing a novel, memoir or non-fiction book. Sessions can also focus on editing skills, and improving the quality of your writing at the sentence level.

How does it work?

Coaching Sessions

You can choose a block of hourly sessions, or half-day or full-day sessions.

Half-day and full day one-to-one coaching sessions are tailor-made for you, and provide an exciting opportunity to explore and tackle a particular issue, or to breathe life into a creative project.

Coaching works well face-to-face (in my garden office in the Hope Valley, Peak District, Derbyshire – not far from Sheffield), by Zoom, or over the telephone if you prefer. 

What will it cost?

Six hours of one-to-one coaching – £480
Eight hours of one-to-one coaching – £560
1-hour session – £95 (available to clients who’ve completed a block / evaluation)
Half-day coaching session (generally 3-3.5 hours) – £220
Full-day coaching session (usually 5.5-6 hours) – £325


Thank you so much again for yesterday! It was so helpful. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far without articulating my thoughts! Thank you for your patience and pertinence – both were immeasurably wonderful!

Natalie. A, Switzerland

Thank you so much for your time this morning – I learned a lot! As I drove back home I felt incredible – positive and full of optimism for my little book. All fear aside, I’m excited!

Gurpreet. P, Leicestershire  

I honestly cannot begin to thank you enough. Such a great day! I am absolutely buzzing! I really enjoyed thrashing ideas out with you and I’ve got a real renewed sense of purpose with my writing now. Thank you so so so much!

Ibby Maloney, Nottinghamshire

Basic Critique

All writers benefit from another pair of eyes on their work, and this feedback needs to be clear, insightful and supportive. If you’re looking for a constructive critique on any aspect of your writing then I can help.

How does it work?

Basic Critique

You will send me up to 10,000 words of your work in progress. I will annotate your document, return it to you, and provide you with a 20-minute feedback session over Zoom. My critique will highlight the strengths of your writing, and any areas that require development. This service can be adapted if you have a longer piece of writing.

What will it cost?

Basic critique: £100


I just wanted to thank you very much indeed for your thoughts and suggestions. Clearly you not only undertook the mission of reading and reporting on my rough and not very ready draft, but then spent time over the weekend thinking about the characters and the options for taking it to the next stage. That’s really generous of you and your ideas are great. You are bloody good at this, aren’t you?!! Your generosity of spirit is really appreciated. Thank you.

Jim Chambers, Derbyshire

I just wanted to tell you what a joyful journey it is to work with you! Left to my own devices, my narrative would’ve veered off into unnecessary diversions and dead ends. But you filled in my plot-holes and filled out my characters so I can now travel smoothly along the story arc of my novel. I’ll definitely be coming back!

Judith Watkins, Sheffield

Manuscript Evaluation

If you've written a novel, memoir or piece of creative non-fiction and are wondering what to do next, then a manuscript evaluation might be just what you need. If you're not sure how to edit your first draft, or if you're wondering whether it's good enough to submit to agents, or to self-publish, then a manuscript evaluation is a great investment.

How does it work?

Manuscript Evaluation

I will read your manuscript and provide you with a detailed written report, which will include my overall response to your work, and my opinion on its readiness for publication. I’ll outline strengths and areas for improvement and development. For non-fiction works, I will comment on structure, style, content and voice. For novelists, I will focus on point of view, narrative voice, plot, pace, characterisation and dialogue. I will also comment on the quality of your prose, and how you might improve it.

I work with general fiction, historical fiction, dystopian fiction, psychological thrillers, gothic novels, women’s fiction, literary fiction, social history and memoir. If you write children’s books, young adult, fantasy or science fiction then I may not be the best match for you.

What will it cost?

Manuscript evaluation: £80 per 10,000 words


Thank you for today. I’m feeling more excited about the story now, thank you for being such a wonderful coach!

T. Andres, London

Thank you for your energy, enthusiasm and encouragement – it’s brought to life something that’s been buried a long time. I can’t tell you how I appreciate all your help and wisdom. So very grateful our paths have crossed.

S. J. Page, Suffolk


Line editing looks at your manuscript line by line. It analyses flow, word choice and sentence structure, and the overall quality of the writing. Is there power and pace in the writing? Does the writing make the reader want to read on? Books that are traditionally published are always line-edited, and this kind of editing is equally important if you're self-publishing.

How does it work?


I’ll make detailed suggestions for improvement throughout the entirety of your manuscript, as well as offering guidance and explanation as to why those edits are important. I use ‘track changes’ in Word to make all alterations, which makes it easy for you to see the changes I have made, and for you to accept those changes if you are happy with them.

If you would like to see the quality of my editing skills, I can provide a free line-editing sample, and references from current / past clients.

I do not undertake copy editing, or proof reading.

What will it cost?

Line editing: £110 per 10,000 words


Thank you SO MUCH Jo, your editing skills are a magic wand making my sentences punchier and more beautiful. It sounds cheesy but you’ve supported me to write the best possible version of my stories. The most helpful thing, though, is how you demystify the process and equip me to write better sentences as I move on with my work.

Anna Caig (CWA Debut Dagger shortlisted author)

Submitting to Agents

Before you begin querying literary agents, you must ensure your ‘submission’ is in the best state possible. Will your cover letter do what it needs to do? Does your synopsis truly showcase your novel? Is your sample of writing ready to impress? I can advise you on all this and more.

How does it work?

Submitting to Agents

After you have sent me your one-page synopsis, cover letter and the first ten pages of your writing sample, I’ll annotate your documents and return them to you, advising you on all aspects of your submission.

What will it cost?

Submission review: £75


I just wanted to let you know that this week I was signed by Caroline Hardman from Hardman Swainson literary agency! Am truly over the moon, an absolute dream come true. Thank you so much for all your help and advice, it’s been essential to my writing.

Helen Naylor

Help with your memoir

You may have wanted to write about your life, or a particular aspect of your life, for a very long time. You may have started, and stalled. Or you may have written a first draft, and now you are unsure what to do next. We all have a story to tell, if we care to tell it. And supporting you to get your story onto the page, in the best way possible, is something I am especially passionate about.

How does it work?

Help with your Memoir

You have several options for moving forward with your memoir. Half or full-day coaching sessions are great for planning and getting started. Weekly coaching sessions can help to keep you on track, and tackle any particular issues that arise along the way. I can also read your work in stages, and give you feedback as you’re going along.

Very occasionally, I act as a ‘ghost writer’, to help someone who doesn’t feel able to write their memoir for themselves. Please contact me for further information if you are interested in working in this way.

Coaching works well face-to-face (in my garden office in the Hope Valley, Peak District, Derbyshire – not far from Sheffield), by Zoom, or over the telephone if you prefer. 

If you’re unsure which option might suit you best, why not book a complimentary half-hour session to chat it through?

What will it cost?

Six hours of one-to-one coaching – £480
Eight hours of one-to-one coaching – £560
1-hour session – £95 (available to clients who’ve completed a block / evaluation)
Half-day coaching session (generally 3-4 hours) – £220
Full-day coaching session (usually 5.5-6 hours) – £325
Reading Fee – £75 per 10,000 words


Thank you so much for the first copy of my memoir. I sat and looked at it for a couple of days before I could bring myself to open it. Then, when I finally did, I sat and read it through to the end. I could hardly believe we had achieved so much together, and I thank you so much for your mammoth share in the enterprise. You have done a marvellous job, and I couldn’t have done it without you.

Shirley Davison, Matlock

Thanks for an amazing session today. I feel my book may actually get written now! It feels like my writing has been like a wild, untamed horse galloping around willy nilly on the moors but you have given me both the skills and the confidence to take the reins and gain control of this wonderful and exciting beast.

Renuka Russell, Bakewell

If you’re unsure which option might suit you best, or whether coaching is the right choice for you, why not book a complimentary half-hour session to chat it through?